Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Fall Registration 2024!


I'm excited about opening my registration for fall classes! 

BRAND NEW FIRST YEARS: Hooray! I'm so excited for you to start your Let's Play Music journey! At this point, I'm going to open two classes. One on Tuesdays at 11ish and one on Tuesdays at 12:30ish. During first year, parents come to every other class, and younger siblings are not invited (unless they are infants who stay quiet in a wrap or a carseat... once they start moving around they just get too interesting for classes!).


The registration fee is $25 per student and covers my sundry office fees like copies, T-shirts, beads, stickers, pins, balloons, student support fees (as part of my teaching license, I pay the LPM company $7/month for each LPM student enrolled with me), etc. 

Because I really really want to get people registered and be able to move my focus back to teaching, I am going to waive this registration fee for any new student who registers within a week of their Sample Class. If it's within a week, go on to step 2!


2. Select your classtime and enter my enrollment ID: 95761
3. Log in using your LetsPlayMusic account info.
4. When ordering materials, check which BUNDLE you'd like from the drop down menu. If this is your first child going through Let's Play Music, you'll need the FULL SET. If you have had older kids go through the program, you already have access to the album on the app, so choose the SIBLING SET. Everything you need is included in the BUNDLES, so don't select any extras unless you want multiple of the same item.

For 2nd and 3rd Years, the only difference between the full set and the sibling set is access to the audio. The sibling bundles include both the 2nd year bubble hands and the 3rd year flashcards for your younger students, so you don't need to order those.

For 1st Year, the full set contains everything (booklets, tote bag, audio access, bells, and bug cards), and the sibling bundle includes only the booklets and the tote bag. The sibling set does NOT include audio access, but if you are looking at the sibling set option, you still have access from your earlier students. The sibling set does not include the bells or the bug flashcards. If you don't have your original student's bells or bug flashcards, order an additional set of these.


If you have any questions or issues with the registration site, let me know! From other teachers' reports, it seems to be working very smoothly this year. I hope that's your experience!


*Tuition for all students will be $70/month for 8 months, or $280/semester for 2 semesters each year. This tuition level will remain in place for the three years of your student's Let's Play Music journey.

*The first tuition payment will be due the first week of class on August 20/21.

Blue Bugs #2

NEED TO KNOW Blue Bugs #2: Once again, we had a great week! Your kids are so much fun! CLASSES FOR FALL:  I know we  just  started Blue Bugs...