Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Red Balloons #5


Red Balloons #5: Thanks for coming to class this week! YOU are a vital part of your child's music education!

NEW CONCEPTS: You'll notice that the bulk of new concepts and skills are presented on Parent Days. I want you to see how the activities are done so you know what your child has experienced. If you ever have any questions about anything, just let me know.

STAFF: It was fun to finally identify the 5 lines and 4 spaces of the staff today! And so lucky to have 5-year-olds and 4-year-olds to solidify it! We are taking time to let the kids visually familiarize themselves with the single staff. Remember when counting the lines and the spaces, we start from the bottom of the staff and count up. Like an elevator!

TUITION: Thanks for getting tuition in on time! It helps me so much!


MAY THERE ALWAYS BE ME: We taught the kids to feel their heartbeats and introduced the conept of keeping a steady beat. This skill will help them to internally feel the value of notes. Plus it's nice to cuddle for a minute before they're off and going again!

DING DONG, DING DONG: The ability to correctly imitate pitches is important in learning to sing in tune, which puts us on a path to becoming a complete musician.


You are doing great things for your students by having them in music class. Check out this article by the author of  "Good Music, Brighter Children" for some insights on how this powerful tool works. Great job, parents!

Blue Bugs #2

NEED TO KNOW Blue Bugs #2: Once again, we had a great week! Your kids are so much fun! CLASSES FOR FALL:  I know we  just  started Blue Bugs...