Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Red Balloons #10


Red Balloons #10: I just can't tell you how great your kids are! I have had so much fun getting to know them and I'm so grateful that you share them with me!

HOMEWORK: In the Parent Orientation section of the Red Balloons workbook it states, "Young children will assimilate the concepts I introduce in class ONLY if they experience repetition and consistency at home during the week." I can tell you are doing that! Besides raising great kids, you're creating great musicians! 

CALENDAR REMINDER: I have changed the class calendar due to my son's adenoid surgery in November. I taped the new calendar in your students' workbooks (except I totally forgot to do it in the 11-11:50 class! Next week!). The new calendar is also available on the website. 


ONLINE VIDEO CLASS: As a reminder, if you miss a class or want some extra exposure, you're always invited to purchase access to any of the videos from the online LPM curriculum. They are very well done, and some kids watch them over and over because they're so fun! These are totally optional, but I don't want you to forget they exist! The link to purchase is is here.

PRIMARY CHORD SONG: Your students are playing the autoharp and totally rocking it! They used their eyes to see the color of chord to play and their ears to hear if they were right. When it wasn't right, they fixed it! They're getting so good!


This week in class and in your homework, we are working on notating baby steps on the staff. It's fun to make staves and notes with other things... Playdough is a great tool! Have your child roll out 5 lines with the 4 spaces in between, and then some baby steps. Or you can ditch the dough and use other supplies. Pipe cleaners and balloons, licorice sticks and skittles, chalk on the sidewalk... the options are limitless! You could even just use the staff in the back of your book and put the tiny treats on them as the baby steps!

Blue Bugs #2

NEED TO KNOW Blue Bugs #2: Once again, we had a great week! Your kids are so much fun! CLASSES FOR FALL:  I know we  just  started Blue Bugs...