Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Red Balloons #9


Red Balloons #9: Parent weeks are so much fun! Thank you to all the moms and dads and grandmas and grandpas for coming to class!

ATTENDANCE: Thank you for keeping me informed on family trips and when your kid is too sick to come. It helps me to know who to expect for class! The curriculum is built with lots of repetition, so your student will be fine missing class every once in a while. If you'd like to purchase access to the video classes, you can find more info on that here

CALENDAR: The calendar has been updated to postpone Class #14 to after Thanksgiving, and shifting Class #15 (and the last Parent Day) to December 10. I'll tape new calendars in your students' books next week in class. If you missed class, my son is having his adenoids out the week before Thanksgiving and I'm going to be with him rather than teaching that week. Thank you for being flexible!

TUITION: Thank you for paying tuition on time! It makes it so much easier for me when everything comes in at the same time. If you didn't get it in, I'll send a request/reminder.


BABY STEP, LEAP: We are introducing steps and leaps when we sing and dance this song. This is an introduction to steps and skips, which we will solidify during 1st year, and intervals, which we will label in 2nd year.

OOOOO HALLOWEEN: The students are learning to feel the beat of the song even when there is silence, and to anticipate the beat. In this song, we audiate (hear in the brain rather than the ears) the beats that aren't played aloud to know when to say BOO. It's so much fun to scare (or at least surprise!) the grownups!


We started our new puppet show! Waltz of the Flowers by Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky is from the Nutcracker ballet.

The recording of Waltz of the Flowers on the LPM app is cut where the butterfly comes back in to help the cloud. The song is a lot longer than we have time to do in class, and it needed to be shortened. I was so unsatisfied by how that ending worked that I did my own edit that shortens the song from the original but includes the finale ending. In class, we'll use my version that has a "everybody all together" ending for our characters. If you'd like to access the mp3 of my edit, here is a link.

Blue Bugs #2

NEED TO KNOW Blue Bugs #2: Once again, we had a great week! Your kids are so much fun! CLASSES FOR FALL:  I know we  just  started Blue Bugs...